Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rush Limbaugh, For Want of a Better Word, Sucks

It's been nearly a year since I've updated this blog, and I'm sorry I've neglected it. A few things have happened in these months that have almost drawn me back, but as they were mostly related to people (or events) that could be recognized easily by those concerned, I chose not to. However, that idiot Rush Limbaugh (shouldn't he be in jail for his prescription drug offenses?) and his comments about Michael J. Fox make me want to go on a Julia Sugarbaker rant (and if you don't recognize that reference, shame on you!).

Yes, I'm getting fired up. Fox, a Parkinson's Disease sufferer and stem cell research advocate, had the "nerve" to film some political commercials in support of candidates who also back stem cell research. If there is to be a cure in his lifetime -- or at all -- it will likely come from such research.

Limbaugh, the (former?) prescription painkiller popper, suggested that Fox was either off his meds or acting during the filming of these ads. It is painfully clear that Fox is shaking as he makes his pitch, which is one of the many horrible effects of Parkinson's.

Would Limbaugh have preferred that Fox's tremors were due to coming down off a Oxycodone or Percocet high? (Sorry, I don't recall which painkiller Limbaugh preferred.) I don't listen to this bombastic blowhard, but I do wonder if he takes it easier on people with substance abuse problems due to his own experiences and stints in rehab. Probably not Democrats.

I'd call him a pig, but that would be an insult to pigs.

Michael J. Fox is a family man, a beloved and talented actor, a man of conscience, and a man of bravery. Can the same be said of Limbaugh?

I feel a lot better now. This blog will no longer remain dormant!


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Auntslappy said...



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