Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Short Takes

Highway cops SUCK. Big time. Imagine, claiming I was going 71 in a 50 mph zone? I don't THINK so. I've gone online to arrange to plead not guilty (and the beauty of doing it online, if there is such a thing like beauty when dealing with this crap, is that you can choose where you go to plead your case -- otherwise, they will happily send you to the lousiest place possible), and get this: the ticket, written a week previously, had not been logged in. (But they're fierce about you responding within two weeks. Go figure.) Will this mean the ticket's disappeared? Well, I've covered my back, as I have a confirmation number that I responded to the as-yet-non-existent ticket. Perhaps this will help my case.

Crappy drivers SUCK. The very next day after my ticket, I was parked on 149th Street, outside my chiropractor's office, and someone clipped my side view mirror. I went running into the office, telling doc I needed another adjustment, pronto, and he came out and showed me how to manipulate the mirror into place. Fortunately, it wasn't knocked off and there's only some cosmetic damage on the casing, but the way they make cars these days, I will literally have to buy a whole side mirror unit and have it replaced for some godawful sum of money.

Was this really the best week to see my accountant? Actually, things went okay there, so I think I'm in a turnaround. The week ended much better than it started. I grilled some lovely filet mignons for me and my friend Dianna, got my butt kicked at Yahtzee, spent some relaxing time with books, cats and DVDs on Saturday, then had a wonderful Easter Sunday dinner with my family from another father and mother.

Things are definitely looking up.


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